How to minimize the impact of A/B testing in particular it suggests four best practices: Don't hide test pages Use rel= canonical Use redirects not redirects Run the experiment only as long as necessary These indications must be taken as rules if one does not want to risk incurring penalties which would nullify all the efforts made to carry out the tests. You might be interested in: "Email marketing between inbound and outbound" Data Considerations How to interpret the data emerging from the Mail Up study Certainly the fact that Email Marketing confirms itself as a fundamental tool for marketing and reaching prospects and customers. The increasing numbers are very positive in terms of usage, but the latest data shown signals a wakeup call. The main objective must be that of interactivity i.e. the full involvement of the recipient called to carry out specific actions (click on the link download attachments fill out a form visit the company's e commerce site etc.
It seems from the numbers that many companies are oriented towards sending mass photo editing servies emails leaving out the details. A system that doesn't pay faced with an ever-increasing number of competitors dedicated to Email Marketing quality is the real key where the content (texts images videos story telling at the basis of planning) are the elements on which to concentrate creative efforts because they are capable of making a difference. PEOPLE The resulting interventions are related to knowing the people to whom you should address your offer they must not simply be studied the relationship with them must be deepened. How to do it Through the analysis of their purchasing experience and the path that brings them to you with related touchpoints.
Precisely the in-depth analysis of the points of contact between the company offer and potential customers leads us to the next step: putting our strategy on paper to reach and win them over. top of mind and brand positioning in people's minds MARKETING STRATEGY Marketing strategy online and offline is what allows brands to build their path to Top of Mind and achieving sales goals. Basing part of the strategy on extending awareness is essential for improving one's results in the long term. Investing in brand recognition is what will allow you to strengthen your position in the market.