brand guidelines This guide covers Usage rules for resources and content on Detailed pins You can add other content such as apps , movies, recipes, articles , products or places through this option . Promotional pins They are the most accessible to the public but require a fee Buy Pins This option allows customers to leave the purchase your product _ analyze It is a tool that allows you to identify which items people like the most , which items have saved the most , and learn demographic data about your audience. widget generator Using this tool you can create buttons to link your pages to
reputation Susana Maria Urban Mateos year Whatsapp Number List month day Social network We live in an era where social networks have become an important pillar of everyone’s life as they help us communicate with others and inform us about everything that is happening around us . But this can be a doubleedged sword for companies. Reputation can provide strong support for optimally positioning our company on the market or have a completely negative impact on users' perceptions of the products and services offered by the company. index Tips for making the most of social networks Online reputation management View all categories Tips for making the most of social networks

Online reputation management Before going any further we must clarify that this is online reputation management i.e. trying to give users the best impression of your brand or company and create a positive perception of your company a perception that you are happy to cultivate and share with the public. Synthesis of company goals and values Online reputation management refers to the way a business responds to conversations on social media. This way of responding can create a negative or positive impression on customers and the public . So here we will give some effective Rules for managing online impressions Monitor reviews and references Quick response Be transparent and communicate Be prepared for a crisis accept criticism Actions to provide good service to dissatisfied customers Communicate the processes and changes made to improve service and of course present all the positive points in the most appropriate way that will help improve the company