Regulating increased demand to the level of supply is the task of demarketing. Its demarketing strategy is to keep its product prices much higher than its competitors. This allows you to contain the rush and keep the increase in demand under control. Marketing Concepts: Classic and Modern Read also Marketing Concepts: Classic and Modern More details Opposing Like demarketing, counteractive marketing aims to reduce demand. The difference is that it is aimed at goods that are socially disapproved (tobacco, alcohol, drugs), and it is most often initiated by the state.
In this case, radical measures are often used. As an example, we can Australia WhatsApp Number Data recall the “prohibition” law that was in force at the beginning of the twentieth century in the United States. Types of marketing by nature and scale of activity This classification is more common in textbooks than in practice, but is also quite common. Mass (or undifferentiated) marketing Most often, the manufacturer adapts to the needs of the target audience, finds its hidden needs, makes various product options and builds advertising based on the client’s preferences.

Mass marketing ignores all this. One product is produced without taking into account the characteristics of consumer groups. This product, when released into the market, should attract many potential customers and convince them to become buyers. This is a somewhat aggressive form of marketing, with the expectation that each product will find its consumer. This strategy is suitable if you have a very large budget for advertising the product and its large-scale production. As an example of mass marketing, Coca-Cola can be cited. Another example is Ford, with its cars for all purposes and budgets.