Not only does it make it easier for the lazy to read diagonally, but it is also recognized by search engines. Words in bold and underlined words are considered more relevant by engines. So, when in my article I mention how to write web content or how to write for the web , I announce to Google that these are important words for the theme of my article. Knowing how to structure content to make it scannable is one of the key skills of writing web content. In this case, lazy people who come to find nothing complicated on the web content may be a little disappointed with their casual reading Writing structured web content also involves the URL Finally, a good structure is also a relevant URL.
The URL is the web address. You need to put relevant keywords there. The URL is indeed Albania WhatsApp Number of capital importance in your SEO. So you will understand why in mine, there is how to write web content in it? Wellreferenced web content is content that contains this repetition is ugly and avoidable! Sic links. Internal links, which refer to other pages on your site and external links. Also read Natural referencing external links How to Write for the Web There, I insert an internal link into my content which redirects to another of my articles dealing with external links.

To get lost there? But no ! Internal links contribute to the good linking of your website. It makes Googles job easier for SEO. External links prove the relevance of your words to Google. If I put an external link to this blog that explains how to write web content, Google will assume that I know what Im talking about and that my article will be suitable for people looking for information on how to write for the web. Here too, it should be used sparingly. Its not necessary to put internal and external links every two lines!