In comparison NetEase Cloud Musics price reduction behavior is a counterintuitive contrarian operation. What do Ding Lei and NetEase Cloud Music want to fight for? Based on its official statement Shen Tong Music believes that NetEase Cloud Musics settlement perspective seems to be different in two aspects. First Music counts the space paid by members while NetEase Cloud Music counts the appropriate time point. online music platforms is indeed far from reaching the ceiling. Comparing the membership payment rate of overseas music platforms such as Spotify which is as high as about the relevant data of Tencent Music and NetEase Cloud Music are and respectively.
From this point of view even if the music membership price incre Job Seekers Phone Numbers List ase strategy continues for a while there is still room for growth. However objectively speaking at this time of consumption downgrade price increases will indeed bring a certain burden to users. Musics price increase this time has attracted a lot of criticism on hot searches. For platforms wordofmouth risks are also real. The price reduction strategy adopted by NetEase Cloud Music should also take into account the overall consumer trend.
Just recently the selfmedia celebrity Jiubian observed everyones expectations for and found that there is almost no objection that next year will be more difficult. This is the first time I have encountered this situation since I can remember. In fact the success of price reduction strategies in the real economy provides some reference. Whether it is Luckin and Cooldys siege on Starbucks or the rise of Mixue Ice City and Zhong Xuegao becoming an ice cream assassin these are all very typical examples. With low price as its main label Mixue Bingcheng stands out in the red sea and becomes the fifth largest fastmoving consumer food company sweeping the world. The revelation of Snow King is simple: the lowprice strategy really works.