The founder and director of the initiative, José Brito, describes suppressing music classes as a "humanistic crime." Go to download The founder and director of Barrios Orquestados, José Brito, calls for resuming musical activities as soon as possible to avoid the emotional effects that this break could have on the students. He points out that the covid-19 crisis has affected them just like all citizens and they have had to adapt in record time and in a context “that is not appropriate, because remote musical teaching is not easy.” He wants to send the message that there is a “socio-emotional” risk by stopping the activity for so long, “without avoiding the importance of the protocols that must be maintained.” humanistic crime Likewise, he is opposed to stopping music teaching in schools due to the pandemic. He points out that it is something that cannot be lost, because “it is a humanistic crime.” He points out that if it cannot be the flute or singing due to the transmission of the virus by aerosols, a timple can be used, but, he points out that if distances and other safety measures are maintained, perhaps “we are dramatizing too much.” . Canarian veterinarians offer themselves as trackers Tracker Team | Photo: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL WELFARE OF THE COUNCIL OF LANZAROTE Tracker Team | Photo: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL WELFARE OF THE COUNCIL OF LANZAROTE María Luisa Fernández, president of the Regional Council of the College of Veterinarians of the Canary Islands, points out that professionals in the sector are experts in epidemiology and large populations.
Go to download The Canarian veterinarians offer themselves to the administrations to collaborate in the fight against covid-19 in the work of trackers. María Luisa Fernández recalls that the professional training of these doctors includes epidemiology: “We understand viruses very well, how they act in large populations and we are used to dealing with pandemics.” The German Fernando Simón The president of the Regional Council of the College of Veterinarians of the Canary Islands points out that, of the 1,500 members, many are unemployed and others WhatsApp Number List are already working in the line of epidemiological control, so they could move to work in that line in the health area " without the need for prior training.” In this regard, she remembers that Fernando Simón's equivalent in Germany is a veterinarian, as well as the person responsible for epidemic control in Wuhan. However, he regrets the lack of receptiveness on the part of the administrations, something he attributes to “lack of knowledge of what a veterinarian is for.” He states that this is due to the fact that 98% of the health budget is allocated to healthcare, with only 2% allocated to Public and Preventive Health: “This makes it difficult to know the role of a veterinarian.” He assures that if we had worried about public health sooner, “perhaps this would not have happened.” La Laguna launches a themed hiking program with an environmental vocation Trail in La Laguna | Photo: LA LAGUNA CITY COUNCIL Trail in La Laguna | Photo: LA LAGUNA CITY COUNCIL José Luis Hernández, Councilor for the Environment, points out that the objective is to regain contact with nature with healthy habits.

Go to download The La Laguna City Council, through the Environment Department headed by José Luis Hernández, has launched a themed hiking program made up of ten routes with a high environmental component that will run until December. On the first day of the call, the places were sold out, which is why the City Council is in contact with the company that makes them to double them. Hernández points out that there is currently a significant increase in demand for outdoor activities. The routes, developed through the active tourism company tivity, run through the municipality and the trails recognized in the inventory of the Cabildo de Tenerife. To carry it out, we have environmental educators and guides with extensive experience who help understand the heritage and natural riches of the municipality. Interested people can register for free through the website www.tivitycanarias.com Covid measures All routes include accident insurance. Furthermore, taking into account the current health situation, each route will have two sessions on different days for a maximum of 15 people, thus guaranteeing the safety of all participants while contributing to the environmental sustainability of the route. José Luis Hernández explains that the objective of this initiative is to invite people to regain contact with nature with healthy habits, discover the environmental treasures that our municipality has and learn from an original and fun perspective the history that surrounds these places. During the month of October, the routes 'The Treasure of Anaga', 'Biodiversity=Life', 'The Path of Water' and 'Discovering the Batán' will be carried out. In the month of November the so-called 'Guanche Legends' and 'Blue Path' and in December 'The human being and the mountain'.