Various pages viewed by the user. They can be displayed on the Google advertising network and on Facebook. It is worth remembering the existence of a phenomenon called banner blindness which consists in recipients ignoring advertisements because of their location or content unrelated to the topic of a given page. Therefore when creating banners you should always consider their form arrangement and original content. Remarketing what is it? Remarketing is a strategy addressed to people who have already purchased a given product or used the service offered by your website. To maintain their interest it is worth reminding them about yourself by sending an offer of complementary products or inviting them to use the service again.
If the consumer was satisfied with previous purchases there is a good chance that he will be tempted this time. Therefore it is worth encouraging him with an attractive discount or freebie. A similar concept to remarketing is email targeting . What Hit Post distinguishes them from each other is the fact that email targeting reaches anonymous users who visited a given website without taking any action on it. Quote: The task of remarketing and retargeting is to encourage customers to return to the store Remarketing and retargeting what to choose? As you can see remarketing and retargeting are slightly different.
You're probably wondering when it's worth using them? Retargeting is a great tool for websites that have a lot of traffic but don't generate conversions. There may be many reasons for this phenomenon so it is worth taking a closer look at them. Perhaps the problem lies in the unintuitive interface or short and uninteresting product descriptions. In addition to taking an interest in this issue it is also worth using retargeting which will help you acquire new customers. It will also work well when you are just building a consumer mailing list . Meanwhile if you already .