The global computer network. More and more appliances, means of transportation, clothing and other minor objects such as doorknobs are emerging connected to devices such as smartphones and computers. But in the end, what is the main purpose of IoT? The idea is that, increasingly, the digital and physical media manage to meet to the point of becoming a single world. This is possible thanks to the possibility of communicating a device with others, the cloud and data centers. Do you remember the special glasses made by Google a few years ago? This is a perfect example of how the Internet can be added to objects with the goal of blending th
e digital environment into the devices used daily. It can even be said that this type of Jiangsu Mobile Phone Number List device, as well as the Sony Smartwatch model, revolutionized mobility and the presence of the Internet in everyday life. History of IoT ADVERTISEMENT Since , when the TCP-IP connection and the Internet began to emerge in the way we know them today, interested scientists and companies have been looking for ways to connect objects. Since then, many things happened such as the Device connection for Device, DD, proposed by Bill Joy (co-founder of Sun Microsystems). Already in , the term “Internet of Things” became real through Kevin Ashton of MIT when he
spoke about electronically labeling company products with the intention of facilitating the performance of the logistics chain. That is, he was talking about the incorporation of radio frequency identifiers (RFID) . Ten years later, the creator of the term published the article "That 'internet of things' thing." In his text, he reported that at that time, the network offered only Pentabytes of data accumulated in records, recordings and image playback. The limitation of time and routine demands that people achieve a greater affinity wi