Which addresses are key and 'ask' for priority processing. Check out the fastest WordPress hosting and Ecommerce hosting on the market . Moreover, if your site uses multimedia content and is displayed, for example, on Google News or uses other annotations, the Google algorithm may include additional metadata for better retrieval if necessary. Can adding a sitemap hurt? The answer is simple: no! Even in the most unimaginable and worst possible scenario, your website will not suffer in any way. The only negative effect will be the simple lack of a positive effect.
An a possible waste of time. Creating and adding an XML sitemap will never harm your website. Regardless of what you put in it, you will never be 'punished' by search engines for having it. In short, in most cases, a website will only benefit from having a sitemap, and the photo editor possibility of something going wrong is almost zero. advantages and benefits of sitemap Is there a limit to the number of links in a sitemap? Yes, such a limit exists, but most websites will never use this limit. And even if he does, there are very simple ways to bypass the above limit.

Theoretically speaking, a sitemap file has a limit of , URLs, which means that . % of the time you don't need to bother with it. Even if your website reaches this point and exceeds the magical number of , . links, you can add the so-called a sitemap map, which is a main map with several subsitemaps. If you are wondering what this means, let us tell you that the limit in question applies to one sitemap, not the entire website. In practice, this means that you can create one main sitemap, which will be a collection of more specific sitemaps, divided by category.