You can either create a syndication from scratch or you can find common ground among existing blog posts and create a content syndication. Recommende reading: seo content aggregation: how to get more traffic and links create more links since there is a clear correlation between backlinks and rankings. You may have a hard time outdoing articles that have links that are significantly higher quality than yours. How do you know how many links a competing page has? s in ahrefs keywords explorer : you can then drill down into their backlink data to check the quality of their links and get a better idea of true ranking difficulty. Recommende reading: keyword difficulty: how to determine your chances of ranking in google at last the focus of blog seo is continuity.
You nee to consistently write. Optimize. And update blog posts that are France WhatsApp Number Data centere around getting search traffic. This takes time and rankings won’t happen overnight. But it’s also the best way to get stable organic traffic. If your blog is new and lacks authority. It ’s okay to start with low-competition keywords that are easier to rank for. Learn more about how to start and grow your blog to 100. 000 monthly visitors and more in our free business blogging course .If you want to make money by writing on meium. You nee to add your articles to the paywall (paywall). And you can only add your articles to the paywall after registering for the meium partner program (meium partner program.

Referre to as mpp). Before august 2021. There is no threshold for mpp registration (if you already have a stripe account). So at that time. Meium was known as the easiest platform to monetize writing. After august 2021. Meium adde three thresholds for registering mpp: meium account has publishe at least 1 article the account has at least 100 followers stay active. Publish at least one article every six months. In fact. These three thresholds are very easy to reach. But for chinese residents. There is a very big hidden threshold. And that is the issue of stripe accounts. Meium itself has no financial business. And all payment-relate businesses are entruste to stripe.