In this case they can be direct, indirect or aspirational competitors. That is, if I am an online sneaker store, I can compare myself to other online sneaker stores of the same size. Income level, visits….this is the direct competitor. I can compare myself with online stores that sell walking or fashion sneakers or shoes. This would be the indirect competitor. Or I could compare myself directly with big brands and big web portals like Nike or Adidas. 2. Functional Benchmarking : in other sectors that do well but are not my direct competitors.
In this case, if I set up a fashion e-commerce, I can analyze how other Phone Number Data e-commerce from other sectors that do it well do it. This way I will be able to compare myself and draw relevant conclusions. 3. Internal Benchmarking : for large corporations or group of companies that have divisions or companies operating in the same sectors. It is a very useful tool to draw conclusions about why some brands work better than others. 4. Comprehensive Benchmarking : is to do the 3 analyzes described above. How to apply the benchmark in digital marketing Well, if we want to do it well, we must also include two more adjectives in the definition given previously: Benchmarking should be a regular process.

And it must be a recurring process. That is, it must be carried out periodically and integrated into our annual digital marketing plan. Because benchmarking must at least analyze the products/services, digital work processes and communication systems of our competitors. We can apply benchmarking to analyze: Complete digital strategy. The brand image. The web user. The SEO strategy. The Social Media strategy. SEM campaigns. Content marketing. Copywritting Data Protection. And any aspect or area of marketing or digital marketing that your brand needs to improve. Professional digital benchmarking methodology 1.