This information must be presented so that it is linked together to create brand recognition . What is a brand guideline? Role of Brand Guideline Brand Guideline is the core foundation to help marketing activities and branding campaigns deploy effectively. Below, Miko Tech will introduce to you some of the roles of Brand Guideline: Aim for a complete brand story Brand Guideline provides comprehensive information about the brand, ensuring everyone can understand the brand's nature, mission, goals, positioning, etc. Through that, Brand Guideline builds a complete brand story from the formation process to the development orientation of the business. Thanks to that, we can easily build targeted and effective brand recognition and marketing products.
Demonstrates brand consistency Each product created by a business must Email Data ensure consistency, demonstrating prestige and professionalism. Besides, consistency creates your brand identity, making it easy for customers to recognize and remember. With the components specifically specified in the Brand Guideline, businesses will design and use them accurately and consistently. Tool to measure standards and rules of brand identity Brand Guideline specifically stipulates: Color. Logos. Standards that elements in the brand identity should follow. Things you need to avoid in designing products in your brand identity. Important factors need to be emphasized. And other information and regulations of the business during the process of creating media publications. Thanks to that information, businesses will have tools to measure the standards and rules of brand identity.

When there are any deviations, the Brand Guideline is the basis for review, evaluation and adjustment. Save time When creating designs, you'll rely on the basic guidelines in the Brand Guideline. Thereby saving time for alignment and searching for standard information for your design products. For new employees, Brand Guideline is a useful set of instructions to help answer questions, get used to the job easily, understand what needs to be done and do it correctly. What are included in Brand guidelines? There are no mandatory regulations regarding the information contained in the Brand Guideline. There is also no Brand Guideline that is completely the same. However, below Miko Tech will summarize some common characteristics that Brand Guidelines often have: Business overview Overview information is people's first look at the business.