Plane images of the same object from different angles are finally transformed into a threedimensional D image through specific translation rules in the brain. This is what we now know as "parallax". "Parallax" is a new decoding of human cognitive systems, and it is also Wheatstone's biggest discovery in the field of vision. Based on "parallax", he developed the first stereoscope. The stereoscope consists of a pair of mirrors at an angle of ° to the user's line of sight. Each mirror reflects a side view of the same image. When the user looks at the stereoscope from the front, the left and right eyes receive different angles of the same picture respectively, and through brain synthesis, a stereoscopic picture of the picture can be seen. The discovery of "parallax"
and the invention of the stereoscope brought mankind into the Austria WhatsApp Number door of D. From then on, we stand in the same dimension as the Creator. Everything we see can be realistically simulated. However, the real world not only includes D space, but also has a fourth dimension time. In the real world, there are no static objects. In the real world, we can not only see the D image of an object, but also its motion state. When will we be able to create a virtual reality of flowing life, watching people come and go, and flowers rise and fall Morton Leonard Heilig was the first person to do this. The Sensorama, which he invented in , included a threedimensional color display, fans, scent emitters, stereo systems and a sports seat. Sensorama comes with several builtin viewing scenarios,

one of which simulates riding a motorcycle on the streets of New York. The viewer sits on the seat, and the threedimensional color display screen plays the New York street scenes shot by Heilig. The fan simulates the wind blowing while riding a motorcycle. The stereo system plays the noise of the New York street. at a specific moment —For example, when approaching a bus, it will spray the smell of car exhaust, and a pizza snack bar is not a problem. Sensorama was originally invented for education. As Heilig said in the patent application Compared with reading or listening to a lecture, actual experience can lead to higher learning efficiency.