To do this, they carried out the typical loyalty program in which the user has a series of benefits for being a member, but they gave it a twist and added levels. That is, when you start the program you start with the basic system and have few benefits. , you will have many more benefits and discounts. As you get more, you level up and unlock features. As a brand, this allows you to do very interesting things like exclusive sales or private sales. At the time, this meant that many people wanted to become premium to get that exclusivity. All these types of things play with people's status and make a value tangible, since you cannot pay to access sales an hour earlier, for example.
They worked on loyalty and recurring purchases.How ID Number List to apply gamification strategies in your ecommerce to sell more - gamificaionnnn What did you think of this article on how to apply gamification strategies in an ecommerce to sell more ? Leave your comments and share! And if you want to become an expert in gamification, train yourself with the Master in Gamification and Transmedia Narrative . In this program you will learn, among other things, to know the bases of gamification, the laws of Game Design and its applications to the business world, as well as how to create transmedia scripts and finally plan, prototype and execute them.
We will wait for you!Yesterday, the Cybersecurity Day event organized by IEBS Digital School took place. A meeting with experts in technology, innovation and cryptocurrency to explore the most avant-garde cybersecurity trends in the digital age. You may be interested in Master in Cybersecurity INDEX OF CONTENTS Cybersecurity in the Internet of Things (IoT) In our first presentation we had David Sánchez, (Director of the Cybersecurity program at IEBS) who shared with us how the Internet of Things (IoT) has experienced a significant expansion in various sectors, from health to industry and energy.